March 02, 2010

Testing, Testing, 123...

What's this? It's my own blog. Why you say? I've got a facebook page, made promises to post on my team blog and have a blog dedicated to an all but, dead project. Why? Cause I want one. One free from the constraints of facebook. One free from the restraints that a team blog imposes and requires. One that’s mine, all mine, just for me. How selfish, huh? Well, it’s mine so, I can do what I want with it. I am actually hoping to figure out how to get this linked in with my facebook profile and simply post happenings, events, updates, etc. here opposed to the confines of facebook. So, the just that challenge alone seems to be enough to motivate for me at the moment. Plus, this gives me the opportunity to do some art work for the blog logo as well. Who knows, I may not be able to link this in to facebook and may lose interest immediately. Or maybe, I'll succeed and post on a daily basis. Time chall tell.

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