June 22, 2011

No Surgery!

New shots of the collar bone. I was left along for 20 minutes to stare at these. My palms were sweaty and I was literally sweating through my shirt in anticipation/fear. Thankfully, I have my friend Wade (who's going into Orthopedics) to share the xrays with before the Dr. walked in. He was reassuring me I would not need surgery but, I was still a little freaked. I love you in a non-homosexual, brotherly way Wade.

The xrays look worse than Sunday don't they? However, As bad as it looks, the Orthopedic Surgeon's words were...

"We treat these non-surgically."
"It looks like it's already healing."
"You are going to have one heck of a bump due to the angle it's at."
"You should feel 100% in 1-2 weeks but, it could take up to 12 weeks to fully heal."
"You can't screw it up from healing as long as you are not causing yourself pain." ---Which includes running and bike riding!

Not the month I was dreaming of but, good news just the same!

1 comment:

  1. We can compare carnage Wheels. My clavicle looks jacked when I don't sport a shirt.

    I think my favorite thing to deal with when I had it was taking off a shirt of putting one on over the head. That always caused some marvelous pain.

    Be smart, heal quick!
